Friday, April 24, 2009

Friday at sea - flu

I'm sick... Muscle ache. Fever. Let's see, where were we 48 hours ago? St Barth?
Good thing it's a day at sea. Bad thing, I forgot to bring even Excedrin. Me, the migraine girl, travelling without my Excedrin... And I'm not going back into the bowels of the ship to see the physician. Let's see what dad has in his massive pharmacy. 4 tablets of Denoral. Oy. Let's try one. Takes a good hour and a half to do something and it lasts for, what 3 hours... Sleep. Watch TV. Fabulous caper movie with Peter Ustinov, Maggie Smith, Karl Malden, Bob Newhart. I don't see the first few minutes, so I don't know the title. Will have to look it up when home. Sleep.
Dad goes and work out at the gym. Marcus Miller is pumping iron next to him!
Sleep. I manage to get dad to bring me a cup of tea in the afternoon.
I manage to get myself up for a bit and go rest in the fabulous spa. I particularly love the tiled, HEATED, lounge chairs. Although, I don't really need the heated part today. There is usually no one there. So peaceful. So romantic too.

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